"What shall it profit a man if he gains the world and looses or forfeits himself, his soul? …I say unto you truthfully, there are some of those standing here who shall not taste death until they see the kingdom."
I believe this passage of Scripture found in the Bible has been the most
misunderstood and most traditionally used to denote a so-called rapture.
The ‘Transfiguration’ is a crucial teaching to designate the time where upon
the "Second Advent" many Christians believe that they would be whisked away to
meet Jesus in the air, going to Heaven leaving all the bad people behind.
We are going to ’flip the script’ prophetically
with these words. I do not know what others are teaching and it is not for me to say if they are right or wrong. My concern is that what I receive and what I hear,
that I rightly divide and release untainted Word and Truth as given to me at my level of understanding at the time. I do know this, that any True Sons or Prophet
or Apostle will teach this same prophetic Truth according to their personality that fits into their Metron or area of expertise. I
would be willing to say that if they are not then run!
The True Prophets and Apostles--the Enlightened ones will have and teach the Testimony of Christ as a "Christ" They will have a keen insight unto the use of Divine Law! Truth is Law! For you Christians who reject the so-called Old Testament, insisting that we are no longer under the Law but Grace, might as well discard the entire Bible, Scriptures and all other writings of antiquity of historical significance and get a collection of comic books.
The True Prophets and Apostles--the Enlightened ones will have and teach the Testimony of Christ as a "Christ" They will have a keen insight unto the use of Divine Law! Truth is Law! For you Christians who reject the so-called Old Testament, insisting that we are no longer under the Law but Grace, might as well discard the entire Bible, Scriptures and all other writings of antiquity of historical significance and get a collection of comic books.
I Am not picking on Christians, however, Christians are the only religion that I know of who rejects portions of Divine Law and are truly at a loss as to what the Law is.
Many of us do not employ the principles of learning
when studying Scriptures. We cannot force our own theories upon
truth or revelation. Therefore, there are certain principles we must use in
addition to taping into Spirit that we may receive true revelation. There
is no prophecy of Scripture that warrants private interpretation.
Therefore, one must know WHO is speaking, WHO they are speaking to and WHY, in addition to understanding the prophetic euphemism and break down to the root the divine language of symbolic prose of which the words were given or written. Was the intent of the phrase written prophetically, symbolically, poetically, or literally? Was it a Hebrew idiom or a Greek transliteration from a Latin translation from the LLX into Old English?
Therefore, one must know WHO is speaking, WHO they are speaking to and WHY, in addition to understanding the prophetic euphemism and break down to the root the divine language of symbolic prose of which the words were given or written. Was the intent of the phrase written prophetically, symbolically, poetically, or literally? Was it a Hebrew idiom or a Greek transliteration from a Latin translation from the LLX into Old English?
Keeping these values in mind, with no
preconceived judgments and certainly without attempting to integrate that you
already think that you know into Truth (whether it is or not) as one study and intently search for truth and revelation, this will
cause one to be pliable to the promptings and leading of Spirit. Truth will reveal Herself to those who chose to receive! Spirit is Truth and wants to bring us all
into truth.
One worships in Spirit and Truth. Without Truth, our spirit cannot touch Divine Spirit, therefore our spirit and soul remains disconnected and disjointed with the Whole! In order to ‘overcome’ we must have a renewed mindset with Pure Intent in order to be connected to the Whole.
One worships in Spirit and Truth. Without Truth, our spirit cannot touch Divine Spirit, therefore our spirit and soul remains disconnected and disjointed with the Whole! In order to ‘overcome’ we must have a renewed mindset with Pure Intent in order to be connected to the Whole.
The word used here to denote death is the Greek
‘thanatos’, which could mean to die literally or figuratively or spiritually. In other words, it has a symbolic revelatory
interpretation as well as a literal one. I submit that the message was a
two-fold message with a two-fold revelation.
It was a two-fold message for that era and has a two-fold message for
us today.
The message was rendered just prior to the Transfiguration or the spiritual ascension of the Christ to his higher self that was beyond the Veil!
The message was rendered just prior to the Transfiguration or the spiritual ascension of the Christ to his higher self that was beyond the Veil!
The death reference was a reference to one dying to ones ego
and their fleshly or lower mindset. “There are
some standing here who shall not taste death until they see the kingdom”. This was an allusion to obedience in adhering
to the Truth which is unmistakably talking about the Christ having been transfigured into that heavenly realm right before their eyes. “Until they can see the kingdom”.
The usage of the word kingdom comes from the root word ‘basileus’ which is interpreted as ‘through the notion of a foundation of power’.
The usage of the word kingdom comes from the root word ‘basileus’ which is interpreted as ‘through the notion of a foundation of power’.
Perhaps it may be
obvious that what was actually said was this:
That there would be some there in ear-shot of the message that would
reject what they heard. Just like ‘doubting Thomas’ and Peter did not believe
until they ‘saw’ with their own eyes.
Some, even after hearing Truth, reject it. Many reading this may reject it and that’s fine. My job is to present it then my obligation is done.
Christ was saying there would be some who would not die to their own self-will, mind and emotions or to the ways of the old unregenerate nature of the old man until they had seen or experienced the prophetic fulfillment of the Way into the Kingdom, which is through a renewed mind and restored consciousness as a Christ. That they would even reject the ‘Foundation of Power’ given and allotted to bring them into those Christ Principles so that they too, just as the Christ did, could ascend into the spiritual realms of their heaven while on earth!
No flesh and bone will inherit the kingdom nor will flesh enter into heaven! It is spiritual! For us today, it would denote a spiritual symbolic and prophetic connotation. According to the above Scripture, one will not experience or enter into the kingdom until they have relented to their own unregenerate will accept and walk in Truth—Truths that will propel them into the Kingdom of Heaven now!
It is on the foundations of a holy divine System, many know as the prophets and apostles or the Enlightened or the Ancients of Days who have laid and are the foundation stones of power. These are those Channels of light and truth who has ascended the spiritual realms who also connect to their higher self beyond the Veil who also present light where there is darkness. This is in order to release Truth to bring all into the knowledge of Heavenly Citizenship, right here, right now!
Some, even after hearing Truth, reject it. Many reading this may reject it and that’s fine. My job is to present it then my obligation is done.
Christ was saying there would be some who would not die to their own self-will, mind and emotions or to the ways of the old unregenerate nature of the old man until they had seen or experienced the prophetic fulfillment of the Way into the Kingdom, which is through a renewed mind and restored consciousness as a Christ. That they would even reject the ‘Foundation of Power’ given and allotted to bring them into those Christ Principles so that they too, just as the Christ did, could ascend into the spiritual realms of their heaven while on earth!
No flesh and bone will inherit the kingdom nor will flesh enter into heaven! It is spiritual! For us today, it would denote a spiritual symbolic and prophetic connotation. According to the above Scripture, one will not experience or enter into the kingdom until they have relented to their own unregenerate will accept and walk in Truth—Truths that will propel them into the Kingdom of Heaven now!
It is on the foundations of a holy divine System, many know as the prophets and apostles or the Enlightened or the Ancients of Days who have laid and are the foundation stones of power. These are those Channels of light and truth who has ascended the spiritual realms who also connect to their higher self beyond the Veil who also present light where there is darkness. This is in order to release Truth to bring all into the knowledge of Heavenly Citizenship, right here, right now!
Therefore, we should move forward to achieve the
goal set for us. Leave the elementary teachings of continually thinking one
must repent from dead works. Move on from that basic faith thinking that one
needs to be "saved" over and over again. Move on past the mindset from that
of being on a continual rollercoaster begging for forgiveness for some
unforeseen error insinuating that ‘crucifixion of flesh’ lost its power.
Move on to maturity or Teleios press forward past the rudiments about washings, laying on of hands, pushing people over backwards, seeking signs, miracles and wonders, arguing about a name, resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment and playing church, waiting for a dead man to come back and restore you or show you again how to enter into Life eternal!
These fundamentals, of which if one has undergone the process of renewal and restoration, they should have received enlightenment to press forward and be drawn into higher spiritual realms. The process is like the song, “every round goes higher higher since I laid my burdens down”. What a shame for anyone to go through life getting to the end of it only to realize that there was more!
Move on to maturity or Teleios press forward past the rudiments about washings, laying on of hands, pushing people over backwards, seeking signs, miracles and wonders, arguing about a name, resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment and playing church, waiting for a dead man to come back and restore you or show you again how to enter into Life eternal!
These fundamentals, of which if one has undergone the process of renewal and restoration, they should have received enlightenment to press forward and be drawn into higher spiritual realms. The process is like the song, “every round goes higher higher since I laid my burdens down”. What a shame for anyone to go through life getting to the end of it only to realize that there was more!
In the series of revelatory messages Mystery of the Resurrection, it was revealed that there are two resurrections and two deaths. The first death occurs once a believer has accepted redemption and has ‘died’ to their self-will, mind and emotions (unregenerate beastly nature) walking the Highway of humility toward putting on the Mind of a Christ! These have been Resurrected into Life!
The only way to be resurrected into life one must have died. Blessed and holy is the one who has a part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no power but they will be priest and reign in the kingdom.
This symbolic First Death is what we are dealing
with in this message. The First Death is to die to ones self-will, mind
and emotions; that beastly character that overpowers the god within.
Another way to express the First Death is to say one takes up their cross and follow the perfect example given to them by the Christ. Whatever way it’s said, it is by having experienced the First Death, tapping into Divine Spirit that one can be resurrected into newness of life to enter into Heavenly Citizenship in the Kingdom.
Another way to express the First Death is to say one takes up their cross and follow the perfect example given to them by the Christ. Whatever way it’s said, it is by having experienced the First Death, tapping into Divine Spirit that one can be resurrected into newness of life to enter into Heavenly Citizenship in the Kingdom.
The Kingdom of G-D and the Kingdom of Heaven are
synonymous. Therefore, please do not get hung up on
semantics. This is why we put on the Mind of a Christ to receive
spiritual revelation and communion with the Divine Creator. For G-D is
Spirit and they that worship must worship in Spirit and Truth!
This is how one will know Divine Mind. This is where the anointing is, for all of you who are seeking for it. The anointing is actually something that one does not have to seek for. The anointing is within every man, woman, boy and girl. This is where the power is. The power comes from knowing what is lawful and what is not; what is detrimental to one's growth and ascension. In other words, power is knowledge of Divine Law. Power is in learning to invoke Law to work on our behalf.
This is how one will know Divine Mind. This is where the anointing is, for all of you who are seeking for it. The anointing is actually something that one does not have to seek for. The anointing is within every man, woman, boy and girl. This is where the power is. The power comes from knowing what is lawful and what is not; what is detrimental to one's growth and ascension. In other words, power is knowledge of Divine Law. Power is in learning to invoke Law to work on our behalf.
Defining Heaven
In many languages, the word for heaven is the same word used for sky. The English word for heaven is derived from the Old English word 'heofon'. It was not until 1000 in the Common Era that ’heofon’ was used in reference to the place where Prime Creator G-D dwells. This term used for G-D's "Dwelling Place" was coined by Christians as ‘Heaven’ and has became some faraway place one goes after they live a life of torment, woes, tribulations in a fictitious hell here on earth, then die and go to a far away heaven if they are good or another hell if they are bad.
However, the Creator called ‘heofon’ a firmament. Therefore, the question arises, if G-D is in a place called ‘Heaven’, where was Heaven when G-D proclaimed, “Let there be a firmament”?
In many languages, the word for heaven is the same word used for sky. The English word for heaven is derived from the Old English word 'heofon'. It was not until 1000 in the Common Era that ’heofon’ was used in reference to the place where Prime Creator G-D dwells. This term used for G-D's "Dwelling Place" was coined by Christians as ‘Heaven’ and has became some faraway place one goes after they live a life of torment, woes, tribulations in a fictitious hell here on earth, then die and go to a far away heaven if they are good or another hell if they are bad.
However, the Creator called ‘heofon’ a firmament. Therefore, the question arises, if G-D is in a place called ‘Heaven’, where was Heaven when G-D proclaimed, “Let there be a firmament”?
Know that heaven, or hell for that matter, not intending to play on words, however, heaven is 48 Elements of Matter. Heaven is a
state of conscious existence within the mind of man. We all have been
given a choice to dwell in heaven or hell—to live as a christ or
antichrist! Heaven is not some faraway place!
There is no authority in the Bible that states that the Kingdom of Heaven is a place one goes when they die or that Heaven is located in some distant atmospheric realm. Man’s body is the earthly side of an inner heaven or a mental realm. When one has put on the Mind of a Christ, they become united as a ‘new man’ and perfect as a Christ in a holy place or temple or body. That is heaven!
Heaven suggests a place where all sorrows disappear in the Light of the Spirit, abundance, prosperity and joyous life. Heaven is a spiritual realm with a multiplicity of spiritual levels and dominions.
There is no authority in the Bible that states that the Kingdom of Heaven is a place one goes when they die or that Heaven is located in some distant atmospheric realm. Man’s body is the earthly side of an inner heaven or a mental realm. When one has put on the Mind of a Christ, they become united as a ‘new man’ and perfect as a Christ in a holy place or temple or body. That is heaven!
Heaven suggests a place where all sorrows disappear in the Light of the Spirit, abundance, prosperity and joyous life. Heaven is a spiritual realm with a multiplicity of spiritual levels and dominions.
The beauty of choice is that one can
choose to advance the spiritual or heavenly levels, while in earthly form or
one may chose to experience the cause and effect of their reactions to Divine Law
dwelling in a negative existence or the lower levels or flows of spiritual energy or consciousness.
Whichever the case, Divine Law prevails— Whatever a (wo)man think within their heart, so is (s)he!
Therefore, one either chooses to do good, positive; love themselves and others or, accept the consequences which comes about by erroneously and negatively implementing Divine Law from an unregenerate beastly mind-set. That would be Hell!
Merely because one does not understand the workings of the Principles of Divine Law this does not mean that they do not work. Just because someone does not know there is a Divine Law that governs every aspect of our life and all of Creation, does not mean that the Law does not exist!
Therefore, one either chooses to do good, positive; love themselves and others or, accept the consequences which comes about by erroneously and negatively implementing Divine Law from an unregenerate beastly mind-set. That would be Hell!
Merely because one does not understand the workings of the Principles of Divine Law this does not mean that they do not work. Just because someone does not know there is a Divine Law that governs every aspect of our life and all of Creation, does not mean that the Law does not exist!
Defining Hell
Hell is also a state of consciousness. Hell was mistranslated from Sheol and Hades both meaning the ‘grave’ or abode of the dead. Job experienced hell on earth. One can take a literal or figurative interpretation. However, if one is not alive and living life in Life, they are spiritually dead!
The words hell and Hades implies outer darkness and a place of unquenchable desires living a life contrary to the plan proposed for one’s life. Therefore, one does not have to die to go to that place called hell! Many are living there and are unaware of it.
The word hell is from the Old English Saxon verb ‘helan’, which means to cover or conceal. What is being covered or concealed? TRUTH!--the Realities of Living! Truth to the Mysteries of living a life of abundance in the Kingdom of Heaven and the Mysteries of Christhood!
Hell is also a state of consciousness. Hell was mistranslated from Sheol and Hades both meaning the ‘grave’ or abode of the dead. Job experienced hell on earth. One can take a literal or figurative interpretation. However, if one is not alive and living life in Life, they are spiritually dead!
The words hell and Hades implies outer darkness and a place of unquenchable desires living a life contrary to the plan proposed for one’s life. Therefore, one does not have to die to go to that place called hell! Many are living there and are unaware of it.
The word hell is from the Old English Saxon verb ‘helan’, which means to cover or conceal. What is being covered or concealed? TRUTH!--the Realities of Living! Truth to the Mysteries of living a life of abundance in the Kingdom of Heaven and the Mysteries of Christhood!
The Highway to live within that heavenly state of
existence was inaugurated and proclaimed by the "Sun of Righteousness" just as it will be
proclaimed and is being proclaimed by the Sons or the Enlightened ones NOW!
Matthew says, “In those days came John the
Baptist…saying, ‘Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand’.”
Mark says, after John had been taken into custody, Christ went into Galilee
preaching the Gospel saying, “The time is fulfilled and the Kingdom is at hand;
repent and believe.”
What was one to be sorrowful for and to
institute a change in their condition or repent from? One was to repent from that old beastly nature in order to
receive their Christ mind having a belief in a life eternal in heaven
NOW! The Kingdom of heaven is at
hand! It is within reach! It is there for all who would believe accept
and walk into it.
The term ‘at hand’ means that something is accessible, achievable, available, immanent, about to happen or the time is near and approaching. Fulfill means to imbue, to carry out a promise or a prophecy, to attain or to actualize--reality.
The Christ Principles are the fulfillment of our access to walk into the Kingdom as Christ’s! You mean to tell me that the Way into the Kingdom was made secure and the kingdom has been near to each of us and we cannot believe enough to take that step of faith and walk into it?
There is a difference in ‘Heaven’, ‘Paradise’ and
the ‘New Jerusalem’. These are spiritual realms, dimensions and dominions. However, no flesh can enter into either. No beastly or
unregenerate mind-set will enter into either. No impure person will enter into the Kingdom.
Those who do not meet the qualifications of entering into and residing in
Heaven will dwell with the masses in the hell they have created for themselves.
Heaven is a preparatory place for the holy and just
who lives in obedience with Divine Law according to their Life Purpose. Those who reside in Heaven
have died, been resurrected and are being restored back into that perfect Image
walking as a Christ into Divine Union transcending spiritual realms.
This is our greatest earthly attainment and fulfillment. The Ultimate fulfillment and manifestation for mankind is a transfiguration, in preparation to that which is yet to come—that is a fully Glorified Body.
This is our greatest earthly attainment and fulfillment. The Ultimate fulfillment and manifestation for mankind is a transfiguration, in preparation to that which is yet to come—that is a fully Glorified Body.

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